当前位置: 首页角色扮演正文 最终幻想13/FINAL FANTASY XIII 角色扮演 2020-11-09 0 4.9K 5 隐藏内容此处内容需要权限查看普通5金币会员免费永久会员免费推荐登录后购买 分享商品可得佣金【0.5元】 点击参与 关于这款游戏 DO YOU HAVE THE COURAGE TO FACE YOUR DESTINY? As a deepening crisis threatens to plunge the floating world of Cocoon into chaos, a band of unsuspecting strangers find themselves branded enemies of the state. With the panicking population baying for their blood, and the military all too happy to oblige, they have no choice but to run for their lives. Join them on a desperate quest to challenge the forces controlling their fate, and prevent untold destruction. Featuring an unforgettable storyline, a battle system blending action and strategy, cutting-edge visuals and awe-inspiring cinematic sequences, FINAL FANTASY® XIII delivers the next step in the evolution of gaming. Final Fantasy XIII has been optimised for PC, featuring full screen support and running at 60FPS. Both English and Japanese voice over will be available. 系统需求 最低配置: 操作系统: Windows® XP SP2 or later 处理器: 2GHz Dual Core CPU 内存: 1 GB RAM 显卡: NVIDIA® Geforce® 8 Series/ ATI Radeon™ HD 2000 series VRAM 256MB or later DirectX 版本: 9.0c 存储空间: 需要 60 GB 可用空间 声卡: Sound card compatible with DirectX® 9.0c 附注事项: 推荐配置: 操作系统: Windows® Vista/ 7/ 8 处理器: Intel® Core™ 2 Quad (2.66 GHz)/ AMD Phenom™ II X4 (2.8 GHz) processor 内存: 2 GB RAM 显卡: NVIDIA® Geforce® GTX™ 460/ ATI Radeon™ HD 5870 DirectX 版本: 9.0c 存储空间: 需要 60 GB 可用空间 声卡: DirectX® 9.0C compatible sound card 隐藏内容此处内容需要权限查看普通5金币会员免费永久会员免费推荐登录后购买 声明:本站所有文章,如无特殊说明或标注,均为本站原创发布。任何个人或组织,在未征得本站同意时,禁止复制、盗用、采集、发布本站内容到任何网站、书籍等各类媒体平台。如若本站内容侵犯了原著者的合法权益,可联系我们进行处理。角色扮演 51游戏仓库永久会员 收藏 海报 链接